$59.00 USD

Every month

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Prime Focus Monthly Programme

NOW… probably more than ever, it’s increasingly difficult to live a consistently productive life.

Create a System for Productivity that helps you work on Activities that are IMPORTANT TO YOU, every, single week.

**You get access to everything!**

  • LIVE weekly group sessions (9:30am PT, 11:30am CT, 12:30pm ET ). If you can't make this spot don't worry, each week you will receive a weekly activity to keep you accountable and on track
  • Personalised Daily and Weekly Habit Trackers
  • Science and Coach-Based Content for High-Performance
  • Text Coaching Support to overcome challenges and if you fall off track
  • BONUS! 1-1 Habit Design Session (worth over $300). Get crystal clear on your goals, uncover hidden challenges, create a set of habits and behaviours that empower you for success
  • BONUS! Immediate access to 7 courses from our 2019 Mastermind Programme (worth over $2000)
    • Supercharge your learning - strategies for a superhuman memory
    • Names network - how to remember names for networking
    • PItch perfect - create confidence with any talk, pitch or presentation
    • Creative reading - read faster and remember more of what you read
    • The Coaching Toolkit - strategies to overcome challenges and achieve your goals
    • Emotional Intelligence for Performance - learn to better understand yourself and others
    • Time Rich - make the most of your time 

How it works 

1 - Rather than pay $2,000 for a course you may never complete. Prime Focus offers a simple $59 per month subscription. That's less than the price of a Costa Cappuccino 🤩

2 - No extra costs or contracts. Cancel at any time.

3 - Invest in YOU, invest in Results.

If you are looking for a programme that can support and empower you to be your best… then sign up today.


*** 30-Day Productivity Guarantee ***

If you don't increase your productivity in 30-Days, you don't pay!

We'll refund your money for month 1, no questions asked.

To qualify, you must:

  • Take the Productivity Scorecard on Day 1 and Day 26
  • Attend at least 2 Weekly Group Accountability sessions
  • Attend the bonus 1-1 coaching session
  • Complete the Tiny Habits Course (3 minutes per day) and check-ins
  • Complete a minimum of 75% of the first 30-Day's of Prime Focus Content